Most of the time these notes are a joy to write. Filled with happy things and Corps business things. This note is more on the sad side for me.
I know that the last few months have brought one prayer repeatedly to my lips. “God? What is next?” With this time of rest and reflection I bet a number of you have asked the same question of God. I know that some of our newest chaplains are asking this as I have heard them during our last monthly meeting. I know of two members of our Leadership Team have asked and received answers. Chaplain Becky Gidcumb and Chaplain Kater Zemke have announced they are stepping down from Leadership... Chaplain Becky came from our largest IFOC class ever in 2013. She is a joy to work with and brings a level of professionalism and joy to the sometimes difficult job of decision making we go through. Becky has filled in many roles within the team, including VOAD, deployments, planning, secretary assistant and general all around hard worker. She has also decided to step away from IFOC and to focus on deployments with Billy Graham Rapid Response and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief. Thank you Becky for all you have done for IFOC, ARCCC and myself. May God continually bless you as you step out in service to Him. Chaplain Kater is a founding member of Albuquerque Regional Community Chaplain Corps and an original member of the Leadership team. Kater was an integral part in holding the Corps together after the death of Les Palmer, our original Corps Commander. Her dedication and loyalty to the vision and mission of IFOC/ARCCC is unwavering in. The last few years Kater has been known as our “Master of Disaster”. She has been deploying to disasters beginning in 2005 following the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina, and I doubt even she knows how many deployments she has been on. She has recently been promoted within the Billy Graham Rapid Response team to the position of Chaplain Coordinator along with her husband Rick Zemke. She will remain a member of the Corps but will be focusing her efforts on BGRR. Kater, you have been an inspiration of what a Chaplain should be to this Corps and to myself personally. Thank you for your strong leadership all these many years and think you for listening to His voice. You will be greatly missed.
-- Chaplain Lori Baca, ARCCC Assistant Corps Commander